Dr Janroj Yilmaz Keles
RF Business Labour and Society in Transition
Business School
Business School Research TELEPHONE:
+44 (0)20 8411 5756
[email protected]
2011 Ph.D. Department of Sociology and Communications, Brunel University, London, UK
2000 Sociology, Berlin University of Technology, Berlin Germany (only one year)
1999 German for Academic Purposes for Undergraduate, University of Potsdam, Germany
1995 B.A. in Film and Television, Faculty of Communication, Radio, Television and Film, University of Istanbul, Turkey
Janroj Yilmaz Keles is a joint editor of the journal Work, Employment, and Society. He received his Ph.D. in Sociology and Communications from Brunel University. His Ph.D. thesis, entitled “Media, Diaspora and Conflict: Nationalism and Identity amongst Kurdish and Turkish Migrants in Europe” is an interdisciplinary and comparative cross-national study based on sociologically informed analysis of mass communication, national-ethnic identity, multiple belonging and inter-group relations/conflict within diasporic and/or transnational settings.
He studied in Turkey, German and United Kingdom. Since 2013, he has been working as a Research Fellow at Middlesex University Business School.
He has been awarded a research grant for a study on Transnational Entrepreneurship, Identity and Politics (Conducted in Kurdistan Region of Iraq-2017) (UK (PI Keles), Newton Fund. He has also been awarded a research grant for a study on “migration, transnational mobility and digital social networking” by BISI, 2015. He acted as co-investigator (with Nick Clark), on a Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF)-funded project on Responses to Forced Labour in the EU and the International organisation for Migration funded project on ‘Iraqi-Kurdish Undocumented Migrants in the UK‘ ( Keles (PI), Markova and Fattah) and co-awarded to review the EU policy approaches of inclusive Entrepreneurship: Expanding the networks of disadvantaged entrepreneurs (Sarah Dodd and Janroj Keles), funded by The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
Previously he worked as a Lecturer, teaching sociology and media studies at Faculty of Applied Social Sciences, London Metropolitan University and an Associate Lecturer at Department of Media and Cultural Studies at Birkbeck. He also worked as a Research Fellow at Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University where he worked for a number of ESRC, EU Commission, JRF, and IOM funded cross-national and interdisciplinary research [1]projects on migration, visual and work sociology, civic engagement and participation,forced labour, human trafficking, precarious work, labour movement and trade union, community, identity, ethnicity, racism and globalization.
While he was doing his PhD, he has been part of a research team to explore ‘Legitimising the discourses of radicalisation: Political violence in the new media ecology’ for University of Warwick, worked for Harvard University in London on the political participation and religious integration of Muslims in Europe after 9/11 and participated in the MIGSYS research project (Professor Russell King) to examine the growing diversity of migrant types, nationalities, ethnicities, cultures, languages, and motivations, especially in “super-diversity” within the urban settings such as London (see King at el 2008).
English, Kurdish, Turkish and German
Follow him at https://twitter.com/janroj
Classical and Contemporary Sociological Theories, Sociology of Work, Comparative International Communications, Globalisation and the Mass Media, Media Representations, and Globalisation, Locality and Youth, Migration and Refugee Studies, Diaspora, Statelessness, Nationalism, Ethnicity,Peace and Conflict Studies (in the Middle East context), Kurdish and Turkish Migration (Germany, the UK and Sweden) as well as Transnational Political and Economic Mobility and Research Methods (Doing Sensitive Research,Visual Research and Ethnography of Computer-Mediated Communication (Nethnography).
1. Migration, Ethnic/Immigrant Entrepreneurship, Undocumented Migrants, Asylum and Refugee Issues, Forced Migration, Forced Labour and Trafficking in Europe, Diaspora, Statelessness, Superdiversity, Multi-culturalism, Industrial relations and ME groups in the UK, Identity Driven Entrepreneurship, Kurdish and Turkish Migration (Germany, the UK and Sweden), Alevis in the homeland and in Diaspora
2. Nationalism, Ethnicity, Peace and Conflict Studies (in the Middle East context), Kurdish and Turkish Studies.
3. Nationalism and Mass Communication, Media, Identity and Representation, Media and Migration, Discourse and Content Analysis and Audience Research
4. Research Methods (Doing Sensitive Research, Visual Research, and Ethnography of Computer-Mediated Communication (Nethnography)).
Doctoral students welcome in the areas of media studies, multiculturalism, migration, diaspora, ethnicity, nationalism, conflict, identity and enterprise, laboour market, research methods (virtual and visual) as well as issues related to the ongoing development in the Middle East, Turkey and Kurdistan.
Ph.D. Supervision ongoing
1. External supervisor of Shwan Adam W. Aivas: Kurdish Journalism Cultures; Shifting boundaries of privacy understanding in the professional role perceptions of journalists (Nottingham Trent University).
2. Second supervisor of Mohammed Salman Khan: Governance beyond government: the role of Batkhela Bazaar in improving governance in the Malakand Region (Pakistan).
3. Supervisor of Bander Almoqbel: Reducing Unemployment in Saudi Arabia: The Role of Government Policies in Job Creation in Rural Saudi Arabia.
Media, Diaspora, and Conflict: Nationalism and Identity amongst Kurdish and Turkish Migrants in Europe, I.B.Tauris, September 2015
Keles, J (2015) ‘Diaspora, the Internet and Social Capital’ in Migrant Capital: networks, identities, and strategies, edited by Louise Ryan, Umut Erel, Alessio D’Angelo, Palgrave Macmillan
Keles, J (2014) ‘The Politics of Religious and Ethnic Identity among Kurdish Alevis in the Homeland and in Diaspora‘, in Omarkhali, Khanna (ed.), Religious Minorities in Kurdistan: Beyond the Mainstream. Series: Studies in Oriental Religions, vol. 68. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 2014, pp. 173–224 (Translated into Turkish).
Keles, J. Y (2016) Digital Diaspora and Social Networks. Middle East Journal of Culture & Communication
Holgate, J., Keles, J and Kumarappen, L (2012) Visualizing ‘community’: an experiment in participatory photography among Kurdish diasporic workers in London, The Sociological Review, Volume 60, Issue 2, pages 312–332, May 2012
Holgate, J. Pollert, A. Keles, J. and Kumarappan, L. (2012) ‘De-collectivisation and employment problems: the experiences of minority ethnic workers seeking help through Citizens Advice‘. Work Employment & Society October 2012 vol. 26 no. 5 772-788
Holgate, J.,Keles, J., Pollert, A., and Kumarappen, L (2012)Workplace Problems Among Kurdish Workers in London: Experiences of an `Invisible’ Community and the Role of Community Organisations as Support Networks, Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, Volume 38, Number 4, pp. 595-612(18)
Holgate, J. Pollert, A., Keles, J and Kumarappan, L. (2011) Geographies of isolation: how workers (don’t) access support for problems at work, Antipode Volume 43, Issue 4, pages 1078–1101
Holgate, J. Pollert, A., Keles, J and Kumarappan, L (2011) Social Networks Help to Fill the Gap? Union Decline and Voice among Minority Ethnic Workers : Do Community-based Social Networks Help to Fill the Gap? Urban Stud 2012 49: 613
Holgate, J. Pollert, A and Keles, J (2009) Union decline, minority ethnic workers and employment advice in local communities. Industrial Law Journal 38:3. 412-416.
King R, Thomson M, Mai N, and Keles J.Y. ‘Turks’ in the UK: Problems of Definition and the Partial Relevance of Policy, Journal of Immigrant & Refugee Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3 October 2008 , pages 423 – 434.
– Keles, J.Y (2016) ” Returning Home ” Transnational mobility and social networks among highly skilled British- Kurdish young people https://www.academia.edu/27726243/_Returning_Home_Transnational_mobility_and_social_networks_among_highly_skilled_British-_Kurdish_young_people
-Drakopoulou Dodd, S. and Keles, J (2014), “Expanding the networks of disadvantaged entrepreneurs”, prepared for the OECD LEED Programme. For further details click at http://tinyurl.com/lys4cqz
-Keles, J., Markova, E., Fatah R., Deen, S and Salihy, R (2013) Iraqi undocumented migrants in the UK (2013), The International Organization for Migration Iraq (IOM Iraq)
-Mckay, S., Jeffersy, S., Paraskevopolou, A and Keles J(2012) Precarious work and social rights, Carried out for the European Commission, (VT/2010/084) ec.europa.eu/social/BlobServlet?docId=7925&langId=en
– Clark, N., Jefferys, S., Keles, J., Contrepois, S.,Dizdarevič, M.S.,Kubisa, J.,Revilla Castro, C. J.,Perocco, F and Lulle, A (2011) Precarious work amongst students in Europe (PRECSTUDE). A seven country study funded by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion)
Keles, J (2011) The responses of Germany to trafficked/ forced Labour and extreme form of labour exploitation, Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University
-Holgate, J, Keles, J, Kumarappan, L, Pollert, A (2010) Help and Representation for Problems at Work: what has happened to support networks and advice centres? London: Working Lives Research Institute.
-Holgate, J. Keles, J.Kumarappan, and Pollert, A. (2010) Diaspora, work, employment and community. A report on Kurdish workers in London, Working Lives Research Institute.
Holgate, J. Keles, J. Pollert, A. (2009) To whom do I turn when I am invisible?: The experience of Kurdish workers who have problems at work?Working Lives Research Institute
Holgate, J. Pollert, A. Keles, J. and Jha, M. (2009) Ethnic minority representation at work: An initial review of literature and concepts, Working Lives Research Institute
Holgate, J. Pollert, A and Keles, J. (2009) The influence of identity, ‘community’ and social networks on how workers access support for work-based problems, Working Lives Research Institute
Holgate, J. Pollert, A and Keles, J. (2009) Union decline and the lack of employment advice for minority ethnic workers in the UK: can community support organisations help to fill the gap?, Working Lives Research Institute
King R, Thomson M, Mai N, and Keles J.Y. ‘Turks’ in London : Shades of Invisibility and the Shifting Relevance of Policy in the Migration Process. Working Paper, Sussex Centre for Migration Research, University of Sussex.
Keles, J, (2014) The European Kurds rallying to fight IS, Opendemocrasy.net, Republished by Foreign Policy and European Union Foreign Affairs Journal
Shareef, M and Keles, J (2014) Why an independent Kurdistan makes sense, Opendemocrasy.net
Keles, J. Y (2014) Avrupa Ülkelerinin Mülteci ve İltica Politikaları – Refugees and Asylum Policy in EU Member States, PolitikArt (Turkish)
Keles, J. Y (2015) Akdenizde gocmen olumleri ve AB – Mediterranean migrant deaths and EU, daily Yeni Ozgur Politika (Turkish)
Keles (2012) Kurds in Syria and the Old concepts of “Good Kurds” and “Bad Kurds“, Kurdnet.com
Keles(2012) Roj Tv Neden Kapatilmamali? ( Why should Roj TV not be shut down?), Gelawej.net, 2011 (Turkish)
Keles, J(2006) Bi Nihêrînek Gelemperî Sînema (An overview of the development of film art) Kovara Zende 1, (Kurdish)
Keles, J (1994) Gorsel Tumceler (Visual Semiotics), Iskenderiye Yazilari (Turkish).
Keles, J.K (2016), Transnational mobility and the labour market, WES Conference, University of Leeds, 6-8 Sep 2016
Keles, J.Y (2016) Diaspora, Identity and Enterprise, iMigMob, Loughborough University, 18-20 July
Keles, J.Y (2016) Return Migration to Kurdistan, ISA conference, Vienna, 10-14 July
Syrett S and Keles, J (2015) Understanding Politicised Ethnic Entrepreneurship: Enterprise, Diasporas, and Identity, ISBE Conference, 10-13 Nov 2015
Keles, J (2014) Stateless media: The case of Kurdish media, paper presented at the ISA, Yokohama, Japan, 13-19 July 2014
Keles, J (2014) Contemporary Forced Labour in Germany, Paper presented at the International Labour Process Conference, London, 7-9 April 2014.
Keles, J (2013) Insecurity in an endless circle: Iraqi-Kurdish migrants with insecure immigration status in the UK, Paper presented at UndocNet, London Metropolitan University, 6th Dec 2013
Keles, J (2012), Precarious situation among the UK students, Concept of Precariousness and Students, Brussels, 30 Nov 2012,
Keles, J (2012), Mediated homeland politics and transnational ethnic audiences: The case of Kurdish and Turkish migrant, Second International Conference on Kurdish Studies ‘The Kurds and Kurdistan: Considering Continuity and Change’ University of Exeter, 6-8 September 2012
Keles, J (2011) The responses of Germany to trafficked forced Labour and extreme form of labour exploitation, conference on review of responses to forced labour in the EU, Working Lives Research Institute, London Metropolitan University, 5th July 2011, London.
Keles, J. Kumarappan, L. Holgate, J. Pollert, A. (2010) Visual methods for exploring work, identities and belonging: the case of Kurdish workers in London Paper presented at Work, Employment and Society Conference, 7–9 September 2010 Brighton
Keles, J. Kumarappan, L. Holgate, J. Pollert, A. (2010) Visualising ‘community’: an experiment in participatory photography among Kurdish Diaspora in the UK. Paper presented at Visual Sociology Study Group, BSA Annual Conference, 7-9 April 2010, Glasgow.
Holgate, J. Pollert, P. Keles, J. (2009) Union decline and the lack of employment advice for minority ethnic workers in the UK: can community support organizations help to fill the gap? Paper presented at the International Industrial Relations Association Annual Conference, Sydney, 24-27 August 2009.
Keles, J. Holgate, J. Pollert, P. (2009) To whom do I turn when I am invisible? The experiences of Kurdish workers who have problems at work. Paper presented at the British Sociological Association Annual Conference, Cardiff, 15-17 April 2009.
Holgate, J. Pollert, P. Keles, J. (2009) The influence of identity, ‘community’ and social networks on how workers access support for work-based problems. Paper presented at the International Labour Process Conference, Edinburgh, 6-8 April 2009.
Keles J (2008) Banal Nationalism in Turkish media. Paper presented to “4th BRISMES Annual Graduate Conference 2008, organised by London School of Economics, London, 3rd – 4th September 2008
Keles J (2008) The representation of Turkish and Kurdish conflict in the media, Paper presented to “Summer School in Media & Nationalism” organized by Universitat de Vic (UVic), Barcelona / Catalonia , 07 July 2008
Keles J (2007)The Turkish and Kurdish ethnic-nationalist conflict and the role of Turkish and Kurdish media in the conflict. Paper presented to “Communication and Conflict: Propaganda, Spin and Lobbying in the Global Age” organised by University of Strathclyde n Glasgow / UK on 7-9 September 2007
Keles J (2007) The Development of Kurdish media in Diaspora. Paper presented to “KSSO seminar series”, SOAS, London/UK, 14 May 07
Editor of Work, Employment & Society (WES) ABS4 ranked journal of the British Sociological Association (BSA)
Journal of Immigrant and Refugee Entrepreneurship (JIRE), Migration Letter and Goc Dergisi (in Turkish)
1. Co-organiser of Kurdish Migration Conference, Middlesex University, 27 May 2016/ 15-16 June 2017
2. Workshop “Migration, Transnational Mobility and Digital Social Networking, Kurdistan Parliamentarian Union, Hawler, Kurdistan-Iraq, 18 April 2016
2. Concept of Precariousness and Students in EU, 30 Nov 2012, Brussels, delegates (academics and practitioners e.g. government bodies, trade unions, NGO) from 7 EU countries
3. Study on precarious work and social rights, 30th March 2012, London. Delegates (academics and practitioners e.g. government bodies, trade unions, NGO) from 12 EU countries
4. A review of responses to forced labour in the EU, 5th July 2011, London. Delegates (academics and practitioners e.g. government bodies, trade unions, NGO) from 9 EU countries.
- University of Kurdistan, Hawler/Kurdistan to talk on media and diaspora, 26 April 2016
- American University Suilamania, Kurdistan to talk on Digital Diaspora and Social Networks, 22 April 2016
- Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) to talk on Migration and Transnational Mobility, 8 May 2015
- Communication, Culture and Media Research Group at the University of Bradford on Media and Nationalism, 3rd Dec 2014
- Iraq Institute for Strategic Studies and International Development Research Centre’s conference on Governing diversity: The Kurds in a new Middle East, Beirut, Lebanon (28-30 Nov 2013)
- Youth, education and migration, seminar organised by North London Communities, London, 13 June 2012
- International Kurdish Social media Network conference to talk as key speaker on “Diaspora and New Media: Re-mediating Kurdishness in networked transnational communities”, 21 January 2012, London/ UK
- Oxford University’s Refugee Studies Centre seminar series to talk on “The re invention of the Kurdishness through the transnational Kurdish media as part of seminar series on Stateless Diasporas and Forced Migration (Nov 09, 2011)
- CRER Open Seminar Series to give a seminar on ‘ Visualising an Invisible ‘Community’: an Experiment in Participatory Photography Among Kurdish Diaspora in London’ Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations Seminar (CRER ), Warwick University (17 May 2011)
- ‘Understanding Diaspora: The Case of Kurds in London’ BSA Theory Study Group Symposium, organized in association with the Department of Sociology, University of Leicester (May 14th, 2010)
- Minority ethnic groups: work and Representation. Presented to TUC Black Workers Committee, TUC, 03 June 2010)
- Debating integration policy: Danish and British perspectives, organized by H.E. Ambassador Birgir Riis-Jorgensen, Embassy of Denmark and the British Equality and Human Rights Commission, London (03.09)
Media, diaspora and conflict: nationalism and identity amongst Turkish and Kurdish migrants in Europe
Keles, Janroj (2015) Media, diaspora and conflict: nationalism and identity amongst Turkish and Kurdish migrants in Europe. I.B.Tauris, London/New York. ISBN 9781784530396
Digital diaspora and social capital
Keles, Janroj (2016) Digital diaspora and social capital. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 9 (3). pp. 315-333. ISSN 1873-9857
Workplace problems among Kurdish workers in London: experiences of an invisible community and the role of community organisations as support networks
Holgate, Jane and Keles, Janroj and Pollert, Anna and Kumarappen, Leena (2012) Workplace problems among Kurdish workers in London: experiences of an invisible community and the role of community organisations as support networks. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 38 (4). pp. 595-612. ISSN 1369-183X
Visualizing community: an experiment in participatory photography among Kurdish diasporic workers in London
Holgate, Jane and Keles, Janroj and Kumarappan, Leena (2012) Visualizing community: an experiment in participatory photography among Kurdish diasporic workers in London. Sociological Review, 60 (2). pp. 312-332. ISSN 0038-0261
Union decline, minority ethnic workers and employment advice in local communities
Holgate, Jane and Keles, Janroj and Pollert, Anna (2009) Union decline, minority ethnic workers and employment advice in local communities. Industrial Law Journal, 38 (4). pp. 412-416. ISSN 0305-9332
Dr Janroj Yilmaz Keles has been interviewed by Times Higher Education, BBC, Skynews, France 24, Voice of Russia, Voice of America, Monocle 24 Radio, Sputnik, Kurdish,Turkish, Iranian, Arab and Brazilian media including Rudaw TV, NRTTV, Nuce TV, Mednuce TV, Hayat TV, IMC TV, Levant TV, Shargh, Yeni Ozgur Poitika and Hurriyet Newspapers.
Invited by Communication, Culture and Media Research Group at the University of Bradford, Iraq Institute for Strategic Studies and International Development Research Centre (Beirut- Lebanon), Oxford University’s Refugee Studies Centre, Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations Seminar (CRER ), Warwick University, Embassy of Denmark and the British Equality and Human Rights Commission,TUC Black Workers Committee as well as the Trade unions and grassroot social movements to present his work and /or talk about the ongoing political instability in the Middle East.
In addition to this, he has been invited by various Think Tank or Policy Institutions to participate in round table discussions on migration, “integration”, social cohesion but also on Turkey,Turkey’s Kurdish question, Kurdistan Regional Government, Syrian conflict.
Since 2007, he has been organising seminars on issues ranging identity, ethnicity, nationalism, ethnic conflicts, gender, forced migration, racism, citizenship, human rights and minority rights and transnational media in the context of Turkey, Iran, Iraq and Syria/Kurdistan and also co-organised conferences on “Responses to Forced Labour in the EU”(July 2011, WLRI, London) and on “Study on precarious work and social rights”. The academics, government authorities, trade union officials and NGO from 12 member states of EU attended above-mentioned conferences.
Public Engagement / Media Dissemination
2016: Turkey’s Kurdish policy, BBC World Service/The History Hour, 15.11.16, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04f9s6g
2016: Turkey, Syrian conflict and the Kurds, SkyNew (28 Agust 16)
2010 BBC on crime, education, employment and Kurdish and Turkish young people in the UK (21.10) http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-11325134
2016: Turkish government current policies in Kurdistan Region of Turkey, ARA News (8 Sep 2016), http://kurdishquestion.com/article/3429-turkey-launches-renewed-crackdown-on-kurds-detains-prominent-politician
2016: The role of returning diaspora in Kurdistan, Australian SBS (9 May 2016) http://www.sbs.com.au/yourlanguage/kurdish/en/content/role-returning-diaspora-kurdistan
2015: Iran’s most prominent pro-reform Shargh newspaper, on Turkey-Iran relations(04.05) http://tinyurl.com/lgcp5jc
2015: MedNuce TV on general election in Turkey, Brussels (12 April)
2015: NRTTV on “Kurds’ Lonely Fight” against ISIS
2014: AEETV on Russia and Turkey economic ties and the crisis in Syria and Iraq
2013: Voice of Russia on Turkey’s Kurdish question (20 Dec)
2012 IMC TV, Invisible communities, (11.10)
2012 Voice of Russia, Turkish and Syrian border conflict (08.10)
2012 Hayat TV on Kurdish and Turkish young people in the UK (25.06)
2012 Rudaw on Transnational Kurdish lobby activities in the UK (20.06)
2012 Yeni Ozgur Poitika on education and diaspora (12/04)
2011 Voice of America (Radio) on Census 2011 and ethnic minorities in the
UK (17.03)
2016: Westminster Debate ‘Academic Freedom in Turkey’, The House of Commons, 29 Feb 2016
2014: Invited to talk about “Forced Migration and Internally Displaced People in Iraq and Syria”, by Kurdistan Regional Government Representative to the UK, at the British Parliament
2013: Syria in the Context of the Arab Spring, organised by the Trade Unions and grassroots social movements and the Syrian National Coalition, London (15 Dec)