Dr. Nazakat H. Hamasaeed

Dr. Nazakat H. Hamasaeed

Lecturer at Sulaimany University 

Business School


+964 7701550604

[email protected]


  • 2011 Ph.D. in Commercial Television in the UK
  • 2008 MA in International Broadcast Journalism inUk
  • 2005 BA in Media Studies/Television in Iraq
  • 1993 Diploma in Health and Community in Iraq
  • 2010 I awarded Level Two on a course entitled ‘Introduction to the Role of a Learning Buddy) provided by Sheffield Community Development and Health Programme.UK
  • 2009 I awarded Level Two on a course entitled ‘Becoming a Health Champion’ provided by Sheffield Community Development and Health Programme.UK
  • 2008 I awarded Level Entry Three on a programme entitled ‘Introduction to Preparing for a Recruitment Interview) provided by Meadowhall Training LTD-The Source @Medowhall – UK
  • 2009 I awarded 3 Credits at Level One and 12 Credits at Level Two on a course entitled ‘Introduction to Community Development and Health) provided by Sheffield Community Development and Health Programme.
  • 2009 I have satisfied the requisite professional standards on a course entitled ‘Skillsmart  Retail& Customer Service Programme.UK



  • Native Language: Kurdish
  • Fluent in English
  • Arabic Language Skills (on the scale of 1-5): 3



  • Chris Cradle (Marketing and Advertising Company) UK 2019-present
  • Mecca; Media Communication and Culture Studies Association (UK)2010-present
  • Kurdistan journalist union-active member from 2000-present
  • International Federation of Journalists- active member from 2003-present
  • National Union of the journalist (NUJ) in the UK from 2006-present



  • Oxfam-UK
  • Routers to Solidarity-UK
  • Yorkshire and Humber BME women
  • DIWA Project-UK
  • MAB Sheffield sisters-UK/ belonged to -Muslim Association of Britain 2009-present



  • Worked as a member of Chris Cardell (a UK media company for marketing and advertising) from 2010-present.
  • Worked as manager at Emirates Media and Studies Centre(EMASC)UK/ branch from 2009-2011.
  • Produced a short documentary film about( the position of a grandmother in Kurdish family) which published in 2006 /ZDF channel.
  • Chief Editor of Ainda newspaper 1997 – 2006
  • TV Program producer & presenter 2001 – 2003. In this position, I worked for a local TV preparing and presenting programmes about children and women.
  • Worked as voluntary with the ASSIST organization which is the short-term support for the refuge people who their file closed by the government 2008-2010-UK
  • Worked as a student representative for the higher education student in Informatics Media computing department at Bradford University 2009-2011-UK
  • Established a student Association (Kurdish student Association) to serve and guide those students who come from Kurdistan region and study in the UK.
1. Advertising
2. Marketing
3. Impact of media


  • 2011. Global Television and Kurdish Women Identity in Cyfrwng (International Conference on Media and Culture in Small Nations) 16-17 June 2011 in Wales-UK.
  • 1999 – 2006. The role of women in the eastern society, family issues, and children education.
  • 2007. The Broadcast system in Germany – in the UK. 
  • 2010. Presentational about how to make your community differences-UK
  • 2006. Freedoms of information and private life in European journalism law (the case of Princess Diana and her boyfriend as an example).


    I have published many articles in different local newspapers including Ainda in which I was a chief editor.


  • Ph.D. Grants (Ministry of Higher Education /the Kurdistan Region) 2008.
  • MA Grant (University of Sulaimany, 2006).
  • Workshop Granted (for producing a documentary film to ZDF Channel in Damascus about Elderly women in Kurdish family in March 2006).
  • Workshop Grant( for a documentary film with an American filmmaker about women victims of Saddam’s reign in October 2006. 



  •  Cyfrwng2011(International Conference on Media and Culture in Small Nations)16-17June2011in Wales-UK.
  • National journalist’s conference which organizes by National Union Journalist of Britain  (NUJ) in London 2010.
  • National Union Journalist student conference which organized by National Union Journalist (NUJ) in Birmingham-UK 2007.
  • International conference ‘Partners in Suspense: Bernard Hermann and Alfred Hitchcock’ at York St John University-UK 2010.
  • Oxfam Media training 16 March 2010 In Leeds-UK.
  • Gathering News –BBC – the UK- Leeds.
  • Architecture and cinema on 20th of March 2010.
  • Make a difference-BBC Radio Leeds UK 2010.
  • Be Inspired (a 4-week course, Be Inspired) with A Mind Theatre Company Limited) awarded Level 2 certificate.
  • Seminar about media technology development on 6 may.
  • Insight   BBC film festival in 21 Of April -09, In BBC Manchester.
  • How to work as a freelance journalist, which organized by the National Union of Journalist on 22 0f May 2010.Manchester-UK.
  • Mass media and culture industry which organized by Bradford media school-UK – 2009.



  • I did 20 hours course (Talking Politics) which run by Workers Educational Association, Sheffield Branch UK-2010.
  • I attended a one day course about(How European and UK Parliament Work) in Durham –UK, 2010.
  • I attended one day course about ‘Hard Time –How the ‘cut’ policy of new UK government impact on women and how to respond’.In Sheffield-UK 2010. 
  • I attended on day Seminar on ‘domestic violence against women in Uk’   organised by Routers to solidarity, inLeeds 2011.



  • Electronic plagiarism detection2008-UK(University of Bradford).
  • Research postgraduate induction 2008-UK(University of Bradford).
  • Media skill for postgraduate researchers 2008-UK(University of Bradford).
  • Using Microsoft word for professional report writing 2008-UK. (University of Bradford). 
  • Metalib: the Library’s subject resources portal    2008-UK(University of Bradford).
  • Introduction to SPSS 2008-UK(University of Bradford).
  • Developing a Career in Academia 2008-UK (University of Bradford).
  • Supporting learning through feedback2008-UK (University of Bradford).
  • Assertiveness and dealing with difficult people 2008-UK(University of Bradford).
  • End not for research 2008-UK(University of Bradford).
  • Develop Your Skills in the Critical Appraisal of Published Material2008-UK(University of Bradford). 
  • Research & Knowledge Transfer Showcase:  2009-UK(University of Bradford).



  • The Impact of Global Commercial Television on Cultural Change and Identity Formation.
  • The BBC Public Service Under Threat –An Investigation the Cooperation Face in front of Digital and Commercial Media.
  • The Impact of Media on Kurdish Wives and Husbands.
  • Children’s Kurdish magazines after the Kurdish uprising of 1991.
  • The values of the news in Kurdiu   TV channels. 


Do you think that the majority of media in Iraqi Kurdistan Region is not independent?